How To Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast


Do you know How To Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast? This is probably one of the most difficult questions to answer. You can get a lot of opinion from those who claim to know how to get rid of stretch marks, but there is no guarantee that any of them will work. We all dread and hate this naturally occurring affliction known as stretch marks.

how to get rid of stretch marks

Stretch marks are thin lines on the surface of your body that may occur from tissue under your skin tearing from quick growth or over stretching the skin. Stretch marks are a weakness in the supporting composition of your skin, which may cause layers of your skin to separate leaving the skin grooved and discolored. Stretch marks, unfortunately, are permanent in the sense that the skin in the area will never be completely normal. There is no health risk associated with stretch marks, but they can be cosmetically displeasing. Stretch marks are actually harmless, but unattractive in most people's opinion. Stretch marks are very normal, and men and women both may develop stretch marks.

Stretch marks are the result of the skin being stretched too quickly due to a fast weight gain. These linear scars can happen to pregnant women, teenagers undergoing a growth spurt during puberty, body builders and any people who have gained a lot of weight quickly.

The hormonal surges that are common during puberty and pregnancy can also acerbate the development of these disgusting little marks. Stretch marks affect three layers of the skin called the epidermis, the dermis and the subcutaneous stratum. When the skin is stretched too fast it loses its elasticity and tearing and damage occur in the epidermal and dermal layers.

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast

  • Reduce Weight - It is possible to get rid of these marks by returning the skin to its original size. This works well for women who developed them during pregnancy. Having said all that, to get rid of stretch marks fast, just work on reducing your body weight to what it was prior to the pregnancy.
  • Massage Treatment - Massage techniques improve the circulation and blood flow and combined with the pressure applied during the massage can help to break down scar tissue.
  • Tan Your Hide - The scars from the stretch marks will tan at about the same rate as the rest of the skin and make the stretch marks much less obvious. Remember to use a high protection factor sunscreen, the tan will take longer but the skin won't get damaged. Some people are under the belief that actual sun tanning doesn't work and they recommend self tanners and tanning products rather than an actual sun tan.
  • Regularly Exfoliate - Exfoliate the skin every day using a natural exfoliating essential oil like tea tree oil and an applicator that is mildly abrasive like a brush or sponge. This will wear down the scar tissue over time and allow new and healthy skin to grow.
  • Vapor Rub - Vic's Vapor Rub has been used successfully by a lot of people to fade their stretch marks. It should be applied vigorously with a mildly abrasive cloth every evening for a couple of weeks.
  • Vitamin E Oil - Liquid vitamin E is a natural skin repairer and will help greatly if applied on a daily basis for a few weeks.
  • Vitamin Supplements - Taking a supplement of vitamins A, C and E will help to keep the skin elastic so that it repairs itself faster.
  • Lotions, Creams or Gels - There are a very wide variety of natural and holistic lotions and creams that can be used to get rid of stretch marks fast. Perhaps the best known one is cocoa butter. Some other valuable folk remedies for stretch marks include aloe vera, rose hip oil, jojoba oil, emu oil, castor oil and Shea butter.
  • Time Is Your Ally - I know, this is kind of cheating, but it's true! Time is one of the best weapons against these nasty little marks, and the best part -- you don't have to lift a finger!
  • Use Make Up to Hide Them - Yes, I cheated again, get over it already. The simple fact in the matter is that hiding these scars is a viable and highly recommended option! Simple make-up and cosmetic products can be used to cover up these scars on a temporary basis.

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How To Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast